Tumoral angiogenesis: review of the literature.

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Cancer Invest. 2008 Feb;26(1):104-8.

Tumoral angiogenesis: review of the literature.


Servicio de Oncología, Médica, Hospital General Universitario, Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain. drkhosravi@hotmail.com

Tumoral angiogenesis is necessary for the growth of neoplasms and the production of metastasis. The vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a homodimeric heparin-binding glycoprotein that binds to VEGF-receptors and can induce endothelial cell mitosis, invasion, and eventually capillary tube formation. Bevacizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody against VEGF, inhibits tumoral angiogenesis and may also improve the delivery of chemotherapy to the tumor mass. Some new antiangiogenic agents, called multi-kinase inhibitors (sorafenib and sunitinib), have also activity against other receptors, such as epidermal growth factor-receptor or platelet-derived growth factor-receptor. A new schedule of treatment (metronomic chemotherapy) also has antiangiogenic activity.