82 year old man with prostate cancer

82 year old man with a localised prostate cancer, T4 M0 N0. PSA 72.

Was recommended hormonal tgerapy and radiation by his urologists but refused because he felt the side effects were too unpredictable.

I recommended:

Psorinum 6x. 25 drops at night, directly in the mouth,
Vitamin D 10,000 units / day
75 grams of brain, (a quarter of a can) every other day. (this recommendation was not followed by the p<tient)
Tallberg Amino acid/mineral powder twice daily for one month, then 1 time / day, see attached file,

After six months his PSA was lowered to 7. Symptom free.

He has also been looking into other therapies, like Matrix energetics (Dr. Richard Bartlett :   matrixenergetics.com)

Therapeutic Substance(s):